Использование международного опыта стандартизации (ISO, CEN) для реформирования строительного нормирования в Казахстане

Автор статьи:  Акбердин Т.Ж.

Соавторы:  Татыгулов А.А., Конусбаев А.Б.

Год выпуска:  2009

Номер журнала:  4

Страницы:  С. 123-128

Резюме на английском языке:  For define of directions for reforming of Kazakhstan’s civil-engineering standards experience of some countries was reviewed in reformation the prescriptive construction regulations to voluntary using documents on the basis of functional-oriented approach. With this purpose justification of such functional-oriented oriented system of civil-engineering standardization has done. The steps of integration of «KAZGOR» design academy and TC-55 into international system of standardization were presented in brief. Role was described of ISO and CEN in development of engineering standards, which favour more effective, safe and qualitative design, producing and supplying products and services, and make easier and transparent trade between countries. They provide countries with a technical basis for creation of legislative documents in a field of designing and construction, safety and environment protection, favour introducing of new technologies. Taking into account of activity of these and other international institutions in a field of designing and construction justification of using of European model of technical regulation was presented.

Список литературы:  
1. Грачев В.Ю. Технические регламенты и современные тенденции в строительном нормировании.VladimirGrachev@stroyreglament. 2008.
2. Серых А.Р. Сравнительный анализ систем технического регулирования Казахстана, России и США // Труды международной научно-практической конференции «Качество и безопасность строительства: диалог по вопросам технического регулирования и стандартизации. Алматы, 2006. 243 с.

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