Исследование и анализ типов моделей для системного моделирования основных агрегатов блока каталитического риформинга установки ЛГ Атырауского НПЗ

УДК:  665.63:51.001.57

Автор статьи:  Курмангазиева Л.Т.

Соавторы:  Ахметбаев Д.С.

Год выпуска:  2009

Номер журнала:  4

Страницы:  С. 89-97

Резюме на английском языке:  In the paper studying and analysis of types of models for system simulation of the main aggregates of the catalytic reforming block of the LG installation of Atyrau oil refinery plant is presented. Criteria for construction of complex of models were defined and the table was constructed on the basis of which choice is carried out of effective type of model for every aggregate of the reforming block. The method for creation of complex of models is based on constructing and integrating of various types of models (determined, statistical, indistinct and combined) of the aggregates, taking into account of available information of various character (theoretical, statistical and indistinct), into integrated package. The offered approach was realized when constructing of package of models of the main aggregates of the catalytic reforming block of LG installation.The method was developed of construction of package of models of technological complex for indistinct input and output parameters. This method allows constructing linguistic models in the indistinct conditions. This method was developed on the basis of the theory of possibilities and methods of expert estimations and it allows defining quantitative values of results of simulation.

Список литературы:  
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