Перспективы развития топливно-энергетического комплекса Центральной Азии с учетом региональной энерго-экологической безопасности

УДК:  338.4:622.32(574)

Автор статьи:  Егоров О.И.

Год выпуска:  2008

Номер журнала:  4

Страницы:  С. 166-176

Резюме на английском языке:  In the paper high of priority aspects of solving problem of development of fuel-power-production complex of the Central Asia’s States, which are based on rational using of available mineral raw materials potential, are presented. Activities of the Government of Kazakhstan concerning increase of share in petroleum industry are studied. Ways of increase of efficiency of the complex operation are showed. Besides, kinds of influence of hydro carbonic resources on environment are studied, and system was worked out of measures leading to stabilizations of ecological situation at the areas of oil and gas mining and refinery.

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