Критерии определения задержек и длины очереди на улично-дорожной сети города Алматы

УДК:  656.13.08:65.012.12

Автор статьи:  Байдуллина А.М.

Год выпуска:  2008

Номер журнала:  4

Страницы:  С. 134-140

Резюме на английском языке:  Because of the increasing of intensity of traffic and part of the motor cars in the transport’s flow, that significantly complicated the process of combined transport flow movement on roads, the problem of safety traffic provision has became especially actual. Variable regime of traffic, frequent stops and concentration of cars on the cross roads cause cruse high pollution of environment by products of not fully burned fuel. Citizens are constantly subjected to influence of the transport noise and exhausted gasses. Provision of fast and safe traffic in modern cities requires using of measures of architectural–planning and organization character. Transport car flows were studied, which are characterized by considerable irregularity both by twenty–four hour period and by directions of movement. The results of GAI investigations were presented

Список литературы:  
1. Рэнкин В. У., Клафи П. и д.р. Автомобильные перевозки и организация дорожного движения. Справочник./ М.: Транспорт, 1981 г – 592 с.
2. Иносэ Х., Хамада Т. Под. Ред. М. Я. Блинкина Управление дорожным движением.: Пер. с англ. М: Транспорт, 1983. – 248 с.

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