Обзор новых статей и материалов по механизмам действия и роли пробиотиков у детей (2007–2008 гг.)

УДК:  616-053.2

Автор статьи:  Нетребенко O.K.

Место работы автора:  ГОУ ВПО «РГМУ Росздрава», Москва

Название журнала:  Педиатрия и детская хирургия

Год выпуска:  2009

Номер журнала:  3(57)

Страницы:  с.68-72

Список литературы:  
1. Guidelines for the Evaluation of Probiotics in Food. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO working group on guideliness for the evaluation of probiotics in food. London; Ontario, 2002.
2. Menard O, Butel MJ, Gaboriau V et al. Gnotobiotic mouse im-mune response induced by Bifidobacterium sp. strains isolated from in-fants. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2008; 74: 660–666.
3. Kekkonen R, Lummela N, Karjalainen et al. Probiotic in-tervention has strain-specific anti-inflammatory effects in healthy adults.World. J. Gastroenterol. 2008; 14 (13): 2029–2036.
4. Guemonde M, Laitinen K, Salminen S et al. Breast milk: a sourse of bifidobacteria for infant gut development and matura-tion? Neonatology. 2007; 92: 64–66.
5. Grunland M. Guimonde M, Laitinen K et al. Maternal breast-milk and intestinal bifidobacteria guide the compositional development of the Bifidobacterium microbiota in infats at risk of allergic disease. Clin. and Experimental Allergy. 2007; 111: 1–9.
6. Penders J, Thijs C, van den Brandt et al. Gut microbiota composition and development of atopic manifestation in infancy: the COALA birth cohort study. Gut, 2007; 56: 661–667.
7. Lundell AG, Andersson K, Josefsson E et al. Soluble CD14 and CD83 from human neonatal antigen-presenting cells are in-ducible by commensal bacteria and suppress human neonatal Th2 differentiation. Infection and Immunity. 2007; 75: 4097–4104.
8. Collado M, Isolauri E, Salminen S. Specific probiotic strains counteract adhesion of Enterobacter sakazaki to intestinal mucus FEMS Microbiol. Letter. 2008; 1–7.
9. Deshpange G, Rae S, Patal S. Probiotics for prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm neonates with very low birth-weight: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Lan-cet. 2007; 369: 1614–1620.
10. Mohan R, Koebnick C, Schidt J et al. Effect of bifidobac-terium lactis supplementation on body weight, fecal pH, acetate, lactate, calprotectin and IgA in preterm infants. Pediatric Re-search. 2008; 64: 418–422.
11. Stratiki Z, Costalos C, Sevastiadou S et al. The effect of a bifidobacter supplemented bovine milk onintestinal permeability of preterm infants. Early Human Development. 2007; 83: 575–579.
12. Lee J, Seto D, Bierlov L. Meta-analysis of clinical trials of probiotics for prevention and treatment of pediatric atopic derma-titis. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2008; 121: 116–121.
13. Kalliomaki M. Probiotics during the first 7 years of life: A cumulative risk reduction of eczema in randormzedrplacebo-controlled trial J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2007; 119: 1019–1021.
14. Saavedra J. Use of Probiotics in Pediatrics: Rationale, Mechanisms of Action, and Practical application. Nutr. Clin. Pract. 2007; 22: 351–365.
15. Kekkonen R, Sysi-Aho M, Seppanen T et al. Effect of pro-biotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GCJ intervention on global serum lipidomic profiles in healthy adults. World J. Gastroenterlogy. 2008; 14: 3188–3194.

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