Повышение помехоустойчивости системы управления подводным аппаратом

УДК:  681.513.6

Автор статьи:  Ивель В.П.

Соавторы:  Герасимова Ю.В.

Название журнала:  Вестник Национальной инженерной академии РК

Год выпуска:  2010

Номер журнала:  2(37)

Страницы:  с.135-139

Резюме на английском языке:  In the paper problems were studied of noise immunity of a system for control of underwater device and the problem was solved of increasing of accuracy of control at the expense of increase of input signal quality. The opportunity was analyzed of signal extraction of pressure sensor at a noise background of actuating mechanisms. For decision a problem of interference suppression mathematical tools of Winner’s theory of filtration are used. The structure of the device for interference suppression was offered. The example was presented of the given problem decision with the system of computer mathematics MatLab using. Results were presented of a process of filtration simulating with recursive algorithm of the least squares using. It was established that using of adaptive filtration, even if under low amplitude of the exemplary input signal and multiple noise exceeding over useful component in measured signal, allows to receive desired cleaned from noise signal without garbling.

Список литературы:  
1. Автоматические подводные аппараты. / Под общ. ред. М. Д. Агеева. – Владивосток: Дальнаука, 2000. – 272с.
2. Системы и элементы глубоководной техники подводных исследований. Под общей ред. В. С. Ястребова. – Л., Судостроение, 1981. – 304 с.
3. Методы классической и современной теории автоматического управления. Т. 1/Под ред. К. А. Пупкова. – М.: МГТУ, 2004. – 656 с.

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