Современное состояние продовольственной безопасности в Республике Казахстан

Автор статьи:  Мейманкулова Ж.Ж.

Место работы автора:  Университет Туран

Название журнала:  Вестник университета Туран

Год выпуска:  2010

Номер журнала:  2

Страницы:  с.114-118

Резюме на английском языке:  Global economic crisis showed that for two decades of reforms in Kazakhstan it was not possible to form effective regional market economy with highly productive agrarian sector. It is manifested through sharp price rise for foodstuffs specific to Kazakhstan economy. Essential transformations in property structures and transition to new bases of management have not provided yet restoration of old physical volumes of the regional product, agricultural production, fixed capital and investments into fixed capital. More than one third of agricultural commodity producers of different forms of ownership are still unprofitable.

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