Состояние Казахстанской эконом ики:тенденции и особенности развития

Автор статьи:  Нурмуханова Г.Ж.

Место работы автора:  Университет международного бизнеса

Название журнала:  Вестник университета Туран

Год выпуска:  2010

Номер журнала:  1

Страницы:  с.7-12

Резюме на английском языке:  The article deals with the condition of Kazakhstan economy over the last years. It is pointed out that in spiteof the world financial crisis development, the economic growth rate of Kazakhstan is considerably higher thanthe one in the CIS countries. It shows that the economy of the country has enough potential to decrease homeeconomy dependence on external conjuncture.In this connection it can be stated that there are main prerequisites in Kazakhstan for exit and countryconsolidation on sustainable development trajectory. Kazakhstan is considered to be in the global economy asthe country that exports oil, gas, ferrous and non-ferrous, rare and precious metals and uranium products to theworld commodity market. As to agricultural products there are perspectives for exporting grain.

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